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FIRST QUARTER MARCH 21 ••• 800-525-6700
In our first ever issue of UNITED CONNECTION, we feel it’s REMEMBERING JORGE MORALES
important to recognize the essential security members of our company. Unfortunately, even with the planning, organizing,
Despite the health risks, the 1,300 essential employees have gone to communication, and implementation, 52 United
work as we continue to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. These Protective officers tested positive and one
hardworking heroes are protecting the assets of our clients and doing of our officers passed away. Jorge Morales
it the right way – social distancing, wearing masks, disinfecting their was a four-year employee when last June he
workspaces, and following state and federal guidelines. contracted the virus.
“It was daunting at first to say the least,” stated Andy Allen, Donna Callan of Transwestern, a longtime
President of United Protective. When we realized that the pandemic client of United Protective, was very fond of
was here and it was a health and safety risk to our employees, we had Jorge saying, “Jorge was one of the nicest people
to scramble to get personal protective equipment (PPE). Healthcare ever and one of the hardest workers I have had the pleasure
and first responders appropriately had first claim to PPE, which made it to work with. We were a great team here at Eldridge Oaks (Houston).
difficult to acquire even the basics for our employees. In the beginning, He started each day with a smile and was always happy and positive.
we asked everyone to make their own mask, as recommended by the We miss him!”
CDC and Surgeon General. Eventually, we were able to secure our
own supplies and started making sure that all employees had good, THANKFUL
safe PPE. United Protective is grateful that our clients and
employees have supported safety efforts through-
STEPPING UP out the pandemic. “As meeting restrictions were
Not only did United Protective have an obligation to protect the eased, we made it a point to visit our frontline he-
health and safety of our employees, but we still had to perform our roes and thank them for their service. In late sum-
mission of protecting client buildings and facilities. We implemented mer we issued every employee a commemorative
protocols for employees to maintain a clean work area while performing lapel pin to memorialize their work during the pan-
their daily security functions. This meant officers were asked to clean demic. At Thanksgiving, we gave officers “Thank-
phone handsets, chairs, door handles, and countertops multiple times ful” cookies and our management team members
per day to protect themselves and our clients. have hosted several pizza and donut get togethers
“We are so proud of our heroes for the way they stepped up. There to recognize their continued efforts,” said Allen.
were challenges on every front, from positive tests and quarantines to The year 2020 brought about many stories of essential and
negative results and scheduling. However, everyone understood that frontline heroes, United Protective’s 1,300 employees certainly
we could get through it with great communication and by supporting have done their part in protecting assets and working towards a
each other,” said Allen. safe and healthy environment.